You might think it's the Pharaoh's pet cat, but it's not. These cats, which are the result of a completely unique genetic mutation and have a special fancy, are in the Cattyverse realm. He underwent another genetic mutation and acquired extraordinary characteristics. Cattyverse cats make excellent affectionate and cuddling companions due to their sophisticated appearance and graceful nature. Cattyverse cat noble and in stark contrast to their languid appearance, they are high-energy cats that can perform acrobatic tricks like a monkey. Out of show and attention they like it a lot. Cattyverse cats enjoy a privileged social status due to their sophisticated nature. They found their soul-mate, a part of love in this unique Cattyverse realm. Cattyverse cats, who no longer have to live their emotions alone, are already ready to move on to the new phase of their lives. Nothing can stop these coexisting cats now.